Tuesday, January 4, 2011

People boom from BRAC at Fort Benning about to be seen

- By Tony Adams

It was more than five years ago that the federal government unveiled plans to relocate the U.S. Army Armor School and Center to Fort Benning, launching an expansion not seen at the post since the buildup to the Vietnam War.
And it’s taken time to put the pieces in place for the moment when a small city of soldiers and civilians arrive from Fort Knox, Ky., and other installations around the world to staff an infantry/armor-blended organization called the Maneuver Center of Excellence.

Starting in March, soldiers, civilian workers and some family members will begin relocating to Fort Benning. The pace is expected to pick up in May as schools let out and more families with children make their way to the Columbus area.  By mid-September, Fort Benning is projected to have in its ranks as many as 28,000 more troops, civilian staffers (both Department of the Army and contractors) and spouses with children.

Read more: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2011/01/02/1404183/people-boom-from-brac-at-fort.html#ixzz1A5GkxUx9